New in Testpress: Course level access control for your staff

One of the most requested features from our customers is the ability to restrict courses from being accessible by some staffs.


You might be conducting multiple types of courses catering to multiple segments of students.

You have different staffs managing these courses.

Ideally, staffs should be able to view only courses to which they manage...

And you want to restrict the course access limiting to the same.


We've great news now!

We've recently added support for course level access control for your staffs.

It was a difficult task, and we are thrilled to deliver one of the top requests we've had all these years.

How to restrict access to a course for a staff?

By default, super admins will have access to all the courses and contents.

Inside a course, you now have a dedicated menu on the sidebar named staffs.

You can assign staffs by clicking the Assign Staffs button in the top right corner.

Clicking it will bring up a permissions modal, where you can select individual staff and provide what actions they can do inside the course.

If you don't select any of the checkboxes, they will get read-only access to the course.

Using those checkboxes, you can decide whether the staff can

  • Create/edit/delete contents and chapters
  • Add/remove new staff to access this course
  • Make a clone of this course
  • Access/edit sales and pricing pages

You can also modify these by toggling from the list UI using the toggle buttons

If you want to remove access completely, you can select the staff and click the Remove access button.

On confirming, the selected staff won't be able to access that course.

Default permissions for course creator

The following behavior is implied.

By default, the course creator will get all the permissions.

Similarly, if a course is cloned, the course cloner will get all the permissions for the cloned course.

We hope this feature would help you streamline your workflow in managing your students and staff.

Thanks again for using Testpress. 😊✌️