What's new in Testpress Learning Management System - Feb 2021

We added couple of new and exciting features during February 2021.

A new exam taking UI, a new question type and two features to make your life easier!

Here is a brief update on the same.

IELTS Exam Template

Now you can conduct International English Language Testing System (IELTS) mock online exam with the new IELTS template support in Testpress.

The IELTS template is the exact replica of the official IELTS online exam. This helps the mock takers to get accustomed to the real exam. It supports

  • Listening Section: The audio will be played in the background. Based on that the user has to attempt the questions. The audio can't be seeked/skipped forward.
  • Reading Section: It has the passage on the left panel and the questions related to the passage on the right panel.
  • Writing section: It has the question on the left panel and the user's response in the right panel. The word count of the user's essay is updated live below their response.
Listening Section
Reading Section
Writing Section

Fill In The Gap Question

We now support Fill in the blanks type of question.

Using this new question type opens lots of possibilities in conducting assessments.

Following are the few possible scenarios with which you can assess the users

  • Language Grammar
  • Image Identification
  • Crosswords/Sudoku

Custom Banners

You can now add custom images in your landing page.

This comes in handy if you want to emphasize the features/advantages the users will be having in your customized portal.

It can also be used to showcase your previous users achievements in their field of study.

Course Search - Admin


We heard you! Courses now have a dedicated search box!

This small addition will save your admin team a lot of their precious time.

Offering many courses and updating them regularly to keep up to the current curriculum is always a tedious task.

With the new search option the courses can be searched and updated easily.

Course Search

As always, we hope these features will come as handy when you are conducting online courses and selling it to your students.

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