What's new in Testpress - March 2022?

Welcome to another blog post on new features which have been added to Testpress Learning Management System.

As usual, we have some exciting new updates this time that add value to your coaching business.

Manually grade user uploaded answers

While Testpress was started to automate the boring task of evaluating user answers, we recently powered up our evaluation of questions that require manual grading and evaluation.

We integrated an inbuilt PDF viewer to simplify your manual grading process.

With the new PDF viewer, you can view user uploaded responses for your file-type questions directly from your browser.

You can also evaluate and annotate the PDF with the inbuilt PDF viewer.

We also made it a two-step process to streamline your manual grading.

Tests that need manual grading will automatically go inside the Pending Evaluation Queue.

Your evaluators can start the process and complete it without the need to publish it to students. Think of this as teachers evaluating all the papers for an exam and keeping it with them.

Once a paper has been evaluated, it can be marked as complete.

Publish evaluated papers for students to review

However, for the student to see the evaluated paper, it needs to be marked as published. This can be done individually or in bulk.

Import videos directly from Dropbox

This one is a fantastic add-on for those who use Dropbox extensively as part of their workflow.

We now support directly importing videos from your Dropbox account inside Testpress LMS.

On clicking Choose from Dropbox, you will be asked to connect your dropbox account.

After that, you can directly import videos from your Dropbox account inside Testpress.

No need to download and re-upload the videos again.

Bulk update user details

Memberships -> Add Member -> Bulk Update Users

There are times when you would want to update many users at once.

This could be something like changing batches, adding a phone number, or email, or adding a date when their membership should get expired.

Option to bulk update multiple user details and expiry date

Now you have a dedicated option to do the same.

With this, you can upload an excel sheet containing the new details of all the users who need to be updated.

Bulk update multiple user details using an excel sheet

That's all for now! 😊

Do give these new features a try. And let us know via our support email what you feel about the same.